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    Part 1 Bobbie Howard Interview  
Part 1 Interview of Bobbie Howard regarding the founding of the NAACP in Monroe, GA, Also discussed is the Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching. Interview by for GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials.
  Video viewed  1771
    Part 2 Bobbie Howard Interview  
Part 2 Interview of Bobbie Howard regarding the founding of the NAACP in Monroe, GA, Also discussed is the Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching. Interview by for GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials.
  Video viewed  1703
    Interview w/ Rep. Abdul-Salaam  
Rep. Abdul-Salaam discusses the reenactment of the 1946 Moore's Ford lynching and it's relevance today, since Georgia is one of 5 states without a hate crimes law. The reenactment was sponsored by Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials (GABEO).
  Video viewed  1751
    Interview of Waymond A. Mundee  
Mr. Mundee discusses the 1946 Moore's Ford lynching recently reenacted. Mr. Mundee is Chair of the Moore's Ford Memorial Committee. The reenactment was sponsored by Georgia Association of Elected Officials GABEO.
  Video viewed  1786
    Syracuse Univ. Cold Case Law  
Speech from Syracuse University Cold Case Law dealing with unsolved lynchings in the U.S. From the 6th Reenactment of the Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching Rally, 2010 sponsored by GABEO.
  Video viewed  1665
    Bill Nigut Anti-Defamation Lea  
Bill Nigut, Anti-Defamation League Speaker at 6th Reenactment of Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching July 24, 2010 Monroe, GA sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials.
  Video viewed  1818
    Part 1 Speeches 6th Reenactmen  
Part 1 Speeches from the 6th Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching Reenactment, July 24, 1010 sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials.
  Video viewed  1777
    Part 4 Speeches 6th Reenactmen  
Part 4 Speeches from the 6th Reenactment of the Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching, Monroe, GA, sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials, 2010.
  Video viewed  1660
    Part 3 Speeches 6th Reenactmen  
Part 3 Speeches from the 6th Reenactment of the Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching, Monroe, GA, sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials, 2010.
  Video viewed  1824
    A New Small Business 2010  
Introduction of a New Small Business at the 6th Reenactment of Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching, Monroe, GA, sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials, 2010.
  Video viewed  1761
    Music and Poetry from 6th Pre-  
Music and Poetry from the 6th Pre-Reenactment Rally Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching, July 24, 2010 Monroe, GA, sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials.
  Video viewed  1699
    Part 2 Speeches from 6th Reena  
Part 2 Speeches from the 6th Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching Reenactment, July 24, 2010 sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials.
  Video viewed  1788
    Pt2 Interview Rep.Tyrone Brook  
Part 2 Interview of Georgia State Representative Tyrone Brooks and Bobbie Howard on the Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching in Monroe, GA. Interview by in 2010. Sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials.
  Video viewed  1649
    Pt1 Interview Rep.Tyrone Brook  
Part 1 Interview of Georgia State Representative Tyrone Brooks and Bobbie Howard on the Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching in Monroe, GA. Interview by in 2010. Sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials.
  Video viewed  1746
    6th Moore's Ford Bridge Reenac  
6th Annual Reenactment of the lynching at Moore's Ford Bridge, Monroe, GA, sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials, filmed by EFTV.
  Video viewed  1678
    2010 6th Reenactment Short  
Shorter Video of the 2010 6th Reenactment of the Moore's Ford Bridge Lynching in 1946, Monore, Ga. The reenactment was sponsored by GABEO, Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials, and filmed by
  Video viewed  1769
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